# こっちは悪い子だ
YouTube - Shimajiro Goes Potty (Subtitled)
↑ これは正規の字幕付きバージョンのようですが、こんなのもあって、
YouTube - Japanese Potty Training EDITED
しまじろう: What's this? My Belly?
ママ: You've got peepee in there!
しまじろう: Oh no! I'm finna pee my closthes!(finna はたぶん gonna)
トイレ: Pee in my mouth!
しまじろう: How do I do that?
トイレ: Take yo pants off and sit on me!
ママとパパ: Push baby! Push the pee out of your penis!
全員歌う: Feed the toilet your yellow salty peepee!
Salty peepee, salty pee salty pee!
Feed the toilet! Peepee!
しまじろう: Yahoo! What a relief!
ママとパパ: Yay! You had urinated, praise the lord!
しまじろう: Thank you Jesus! Bye Bye!
ママ: Wash all the smegma off, my baby!
しまじろう: Yeah! Tee-hee!
しまじろう: Huh? My asshole feels tight...
パパ: You've got doo-doo in your colon!
しまじろう: I've got to go to the toilet! Before I shit myself!
トイレ: Shit in my mouth, blast all the doo-doo out!
ママとパパ: Feed the toilet brown nutty doo-doo!
Nutty Doo-Doo, Nutty doo, nutty doo!
Feed the toilet! Doo-Doo!
しまじろう: Yay! What a relief!
ママとパパ: Bravo! That was a huge dump!
パパ: Let me take care of the corn!
うんち: DOO-DOO!
しまじろう: Thank you Jesus! Bye Bye!
I've got some chocolate under my nails! Tee-Hee!
Next time, I wanna eat the doo-doo myself!
パパ: Glory, I've got some sexy undies for you!
(with fanfare) Child Molestation Power Pants!
しまじろう: Heehee! I look so hott in these, don't I?
Sex, Sex, Sexy!
I'll get a lot of ********** with these!
最後の 1 文は公序良俗のため伏字にしました。